• Question: What is the meaning of Life and Death?

    Asked by 935spah34 to Hannah, Lucy, Phil, rochellevelho, Stephen on 8 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Lucy Kissick

      Lucy Kissick answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      It’s up to you. I think of myself as what’s called a nihilist: a person who believes life is meaningless and that all religious principles are fantasy. But I’m an optimistic nihilist: because there is no inherent ‘meaning’ to life, you make your own meaning. Essentially: do what you want, and create meaning in everything you do.

      Death is when the pieces that make you become pieces to make other things: every tiny part of your body is only borrowed, and will one day make something else. So I don’t believe in an afterlife, nor do I fear death: one day my body will be broken down and used by bluebells, or cats, or trees.

    • Photo: Stephen Pulker

      Stephen Pulker answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      Wow! A deep question this one . . .
      Personally, I don’t think we can identify a meaning to life as given by anything “higher”; I don’t think there is one. However, that is not to say that your life individually can’t have personal meaning . . . life is there to make what you want of it . . . you can define your own meaning.
      You only get one life and it will be over before you know it so you have to make the best of what you have got. The good news for you is that you are right at the start of your life and the best bits are right ahead of you . . . it will be fun it you make it so.

    • Photo: Phil Sutton

      Phil Sutton answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      As far as I’m concerned when I die my physical form will once again become part of the planet. The materials that once made me will become something new and hopefully exciting. After all we are all made of material that once the planet and a star. Everything we are made of was once made within a star and its final moments before death. I like the idea of an afterlife but it poses some serious questions that go against science. For example you have an ever increasing number of people entering into a finite amount of space. There will very quickly be some overcrowding issues. Also if there are aliens out there that we don’t know about yet, can they share our afterlife space?

      We only get the one life (if we get more I have some big plans for them) so I’d say make sure you use it well, enjoy it and don’t miss any opportunities that might come your way.

    • Photo: Hannah Sargeant

      Hannah Sargeant answered on 12 Mar 2017:

      No one can decide what the meaning of life and death is. You can decide what you want the meaning of your life and death to mean. It is a personal choice for each of us. My meaning is to use the skills that I have to help our world in some tiny way.
