• Question: do you believe in aliens/ mythical creatures ??

    Asked by Licia_x to Phil, Stephen, Lucy, Hannah, rochellevelho on 8 Mar 2017. This question was also asked by boggitgirl, DJSkira, Cerys_W_DJS, Jacob_H_DJS, Noah_F_DJS.
    • Photo: Phil Sutton

      Phil Sutton answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      In answer to do I believe in aliens, yes I do. The universe is so huge there will be life or aliens somewhere. The bigger question is will we ever know?

      The thing with mythical creatures is there is nearly always some element of truth behind them. Stories sometimes are exagerated. For example take many of the mythical creatures talked about by sailors hundreds of years ago. Many of these have some truth as still discover new animals. My favorite is the kraken, a large squid like creature that would destroy ships. The real creature isnt capable to sinking ships but we have recently started to learn more about them. There are giant and colossal squids that can grow up to 14m in length, these are huge squids. They live in the deep ocean and do not come to the surface so we rarely see them. However, we started finding parts of them in the stomachs of sperm whales. Then a few bodies would wash up. To date we have only seen a handful of live giant squids.

      Its gets even more strange when we now know that giant squids and sperm whales have epic battles at the bottle of the ocean. The sperm whales are found with huge marks from their suckers all over them and its known that the whales are diving deep to hunt these unusual creatures.

    • Photo: Lucy Kissick

      Lucy Kissick answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      Mythical creatures are a no: when you look into conspiracies like the Loch Ness Monster or the Roswell UFO crashes or Bigfoot (and believe me I have, on late nights and aimless wikipedia linking) all evidence is circumstantial, contradictory, or completely irreproducible. And the lack of evidence in itself is evidence: in the case of monsters, why should these creatures be so evasive? And in the case of hushed-up aliens: so many people would be involved in its cover-up that *something* concrete would get out.

      I think creatures almost certainly have evolved in other solar systems, just because the Universe is so vast: the million chances life needs to get going must have surely happened a million times over. But who can say? My guess is as good as yours.

    • Photo: Hannah Sargeant

      Hannah Sargeant answered on 12 Mar 2017:

      Aliens yes! there are so many stars and planets out there, that the chances of there being life is very high. Mythical creatures is not so believable. If there isn’t evidence then we can’t believe it as scientists.
